About » privacy

The Amsterdam Typography project is managed by Arno Verweij.


The website www.amsterdamtypography.nl is hosted on servers of Greenhost in the Netherlands, uses a secure connection, and doesn't load externally hosted files.

When you visit the website, your browser submits your computer's IP address to the web server of the website. This IP address is primarily used to send the requested website back to you and secondarily used to protect the web server against digital attacks and to evaluate the website for optimization. Your IP address will not be shared with others unless in case of abuse, emergency, or legal requirement.

When you send the contact form, your name and email address can be used to respond to the message. Your name and email address will not be shared with others without your permission unless in case of abuse, emergency, or legal requirement.

When the subscription form is loaded, a cookie is set that identifies the browsing session, which is necessary to enable the captcha verification. This cookie expires after the browsing session. The website doesn't use any other cookies.


The newsletter is hosted on servers of Greenhost in the Netherlands.

When you subscribe to the newsletter, your name and email address are used to communicate about the subscription and to send you the newsletter. Your name and full email address will not be shared with others unless in case of abuse, emergency, or legal requirement. The domain part of your email address may be shared with others for the purpose of resolving specific issues with sending email to this domain.

Online orders

When you place an online order, your name and email address are used to communicate about the order. After receiving the order, the delivery address is used to determine the shipping costs. After receiving the payment, your name and the delivery address are used to ship the item. Your email address will not be shared with others unless in case of abuse, emergency, or legal requirement.

Questions or comments

You can send questions and comments about your privacy with the contact form. When you believe a matter remains unresolved, you can also send a complaint about your privacy to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.