About » overview

Amsterdam Typography is a project by Arno Verweij that explores Amsterdam through the lens of typography.

One or more photographs of typography are published on this website every day at 2 pm local time (CET/CEST). The collection currently contains 2336 photographs documenting typography in public and semi public spaces in Amsterdam. You can find all photos via the interactive map that has a list of categories at the bottom.

You can stay up to date by following the RSS feed (daily updates) or subscribing to the email newsletter (monthly updates, 270 subscribers).

You can find typography photos from other places in the Netherlands at Netherlands Typography (RSS feed).

On 1 January 2019, the project started with daily photo tweets on Twitter. It sprung from an interest in the typical typography from Amsterdam and was inspired by the Twitter account Berlin Typography of Jesse Simon. On 4 December 2019, this website was launched. Since 1 July 2023, the photos are primarily published on this website. On 1 January 2024, the Twitter account @amsterdam_type was shut down permanently.

The photographed letters and numbers were designed by many different typographers and designers unconnected to this project. When their names were known at the time of publication, they have been credited on Twitter and/or this website.

The website is hosted green and sponsored in kind by Greenhost.

For the map, images of Kadaster, a city boundary of OpenStreetMap, and software of OpenLayers, Proj4js, and Elm-pep are used under their respective licenses. You may experience issues with the map in very old browsers. For the newsletter subscription form, the captcha of Securimage by Drew Phillips was used.